Géobiologie - Géopractie™ Ou l'art de réguler le réseau géomagnétique primaire

Carine and Loic – Dec 2020 – (France)

We hope you had a bright Christmas holiday and that this end of  year is looming as serenely as possible. Here is a little live report from our home in Saint-Antonin…

Because you warned us , we were not badly shaken up the first few days after your intervention at home. We lived it very well

Since then, everything has calmed down and happily put into place! We feel extremely good here, the children as well. There is a serene, joyful, positive and creative atmosphere. We sleep very well (which is an achievement for me) …

And the cats adopted us ( photos attached below). Beautiful energy’s waves accompany us. In short, we feel a lot of gratitude for your intervention Thank you! We will be very happy if you come to share a meal occasionally for you to figure out it by yourself.

Carine and Loïc Tarn et Garonne.